Uber Multiple Accounts One Phone Number 2022

Uber is a global transportation network that offers people rides easily, convenient way. Unlike other car services, you don’t need to know the vehicle’s make, model, or year you’re getting a ride in. Just give Uber your location and time, and they will send a car with a licensed driver to pick you up. Uber is also great for when you need a ride from one place to another–between cities or across town.

Uber has become incredibly popular among millennials, with just about half of all drivers aged 25 and younger. Millennials are such big fans of Uber that they even have multiple accounts on the same phone number!

Would you like to try riding with Uber? Here are some tips and tricks for signing up for multiple accounts on one phone number.

Steps to Use Multiple Uber Accounts on Phone Number

Step#1: Install Multiple Phone Numbers App

First, you need an app that allows you to install multiple phone numbers–one for your account and one for your business account. Next, you need a device that has more than one SIM card. Finally, it would help if you had a change of SIM card when switching between accounts. Sign up for yet another Uber account if you’ve mastered these three steps.

If using an app is out of the question or too difficult for your mobile device, switch to Google Voice and set up two accounts there instead of on a mobile device. If your mother enjoys driving with Uber, you may even create an account for her.

Step#2: Creating Multiple Uber Accounts

A great way to create multiple Uber accounts on one phone number is to use a parallel space app. Parallel Space is the best app by using the same phone number for activating your many uber accounts This app also has some cool features like the ability to see your ride history and prices for rides in different periods, which can be helpful when planning out your day or budgeting for your trip.

Step#3: Make Accounts and Use Them

This frees up space on your device, allowing you to install the applications you wish to duplicate for usage with another account. It’s simple to use, and you may install the Uber app on your smartphone twice.

Other similar applications are available on the Google Play store Store to allow you to duplicate an app on your smartphone. You will be able to utilise two Uber credentials on the same phone despite your decision.

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Is It Probable You To Create A New Uber Account By Deleting The Previous One?

Yes, you have the possibility of deleting your Uber account and forming a new one. To do so, move to your app’s “Settings” page and scroll down to the below menu.There is an option titled “Delete My Account”, which will allow you to delete your account without any further hassle.

Is Uber Deactivation Permanent?

So, if you want to sign up for multiple accounts on one phone number and get your friends to try Uber with you, you need to be careful. You cannot deactivate an account online and then re-add it later like a regular Uber customer. There’s no way around this rule; the only way to add accounts is via text message or by signing up through the app. So before signing up for multiple accounts, check that you’ll be able to use them again in the future.

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How Do I Recover My Uber Account?

If you’re one of the many that would like to try Uber but don’t want to sign up for a new account, here are some tips and tricks for recovering your Uber account.

1. Go into ‘Settings‘ on your phone

2. Select ‘Accounts

3. Tap ‘Recover Account

4. Fill in the email address linked to your Uber account.

5. You will receive an email asking to confirm that this is your Uber account

6. Click on the link in email

7. Follow the steps in the recovery process


If you have more than one Uber account, and you want to use them from the same phone number, you can download an app like Parallel Space which will let you have different Uber accounts on the same phone. This app lets you would use the same phone number for several Uber accounts.

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